Disability Claims Assistance


Questions you should ask yourself before you file a disability claim

  • Is my disability :
  1. Mental – post traumatic stress disorder, Bipolar, Schizophrenia, etc.
  2. Bone disorder – Degenerative disease, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, etc.
  3. Neurological – Traumatic brain injury (TBI), epileptic seizures, stroke, etc.
  4. Respiratory – Asthma, sleeping disorder, Emphysema, etc.
  5. Cancer – Breast cancer, mesothelioma, etc.
  6. Sensory related – Impaired hearing, impaired vision, etc.
  7. Auto immune disorders – Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus etc.
  8. Miscellaneous – Diabetes, Lyme disease, Heart failure, Kidney Failure, Neuropathy, Carpal Tunnel, Ruptured disc, Hepatitis, ADHD, etc.
  • Do I have the medical documentation from a medical doctor(s) who provided accurate information stating I am disabled?
  • Does the disorder I am diagnosed with interfere with me: working, forming social relationships, driving, sleeping, etc.
  • Have I filled out the disability application completely and was honest in my answers?
  • Do I have access to an attorney who is able to expedite (hurry or speed up) my claim?

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Women who are pregnant may qualify for disability. (Depending on the states and circumstances given) 

You can visit the blue book website through Social Security Administration that will list the disability you are filing for and the sections (to include terms) the SSA defines as a disability.

Veterans (those who have served in any military branch) file their disability through the Veterans Affairs system which can be accessed at the US Department of Veterans Affairs website. General disability claims are filed through the Social Security Administration website.